Attention Perth Knitters

I am thinking of Starting a Stitch and Bitch in Subiaco or Claremont. If anyone is interested can they please email me and if we get numbers we can then arrange time and place.



Friday, August 24, 2007

Haircut- Unsure and Swap Thanks

A big thanks to Sandra from the Knittyboard, who swapped some yarn with me. It is even better than the picture shows, especially since I thought I was only getting 2 balls and she sent 3!!!! and she sent lollies- which are in the course of being demolished!

Also I had my hair cut today and am just not sure about it. What do you think?

yes that is the recently finished Kate Gilbert Slanted Neck Pullover I am wearing!


Libi said...

The cut looks good on you. :)

turtlegirl76 said...

I like it! Definitely a great cut. And great sweater too! (Why yes, I am woefully behind on my blog reading)