Attention Perth Knitters

I am thinking of Starting a Stitch and Bitch in Subiaco or Claremont. If anyone is interested can they please email me and if we get numbers we can then arrange time and place.



Friday, June 29, 2007

Dye me!

Dyed in Skein
Dyed in Skein,
originally uploaded by westozcaat.
I tried some hand dying the other day and here are the results- I am not worried at the poorness (is that a word) of the attempt I actually quite like it. The overdye lot of the grey wool didn't work out as planned- I wanted it all one colour- It didn't cook evenly so came out varigated but again I quite like the result.

I don't think I shall turn pro but it was fun!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I really like the yarn. Have to gie the yarn dying thing a go for sure.