Attention Perth Knitters

I am thinking of Starting a Stitch and Bitch in Subiaco or Claremont. If anyone is interested can they please email me and if we get numbers we can then arrange time and place.



Monday, August 14, 2006

Macro Tempations

OK well this weeks blogstalking assignment is macro-photography.

Well the first step was looking up the camera manual to find out how to do a macro shot!

Then wander round the house looking for tempting items to post. Some of the other participants have been amazing.

So the three shots I have for you are:




Good Luck!


Karen said...

good lord, with each blog I go to, these are increasingly harder. I have no gueses. None. I suck.

Libi said...

#1 is the bottom of a figurine of some sort

#2 is a cup

#3 ummm....a wooden nutcracker.

Westozcaat said...

sorry guys- none are correct so far.
Some clues- 1) something for children
2) not dinnerware/cups etc
3) a replica of something you wear

hope this makes it easier!!

Bezzie said...

Oh #2 is obviously the roller for your counterfeit dollar maker.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I was feeling really smart when this whole thing started but I got noth'in....

cpurl17 said...

Wow, even with clues I suck at guessing!

1. antique sippy cup
2. vase
3. A shoe form?