Attention Perth Knitters

I am thinking of Starting a Stitch and Bitch in Subiaco or Claremont. If anyone is interested can they please email me and if we get numbers we can then arrange time and place.



Friday, December 17, 2004

Too Hot to Knit

wow, its been a whole week (almost) since my last entry. And I have finished nothing, started a few things- socks- started, frogged, started, frogged, started, frogged- got fustrated and put in the to do later basket.

plus it has been way too hot to knit. In fact its been way too hot to even move away from under the fan and the aircon duct- expect to go to work- which with extended trading hours for christmas has been more and more.

Now lets see-
  • Sunday = 38 Celcius
  • Monday = 41.5 Celcius- (hottest day on Record in December)
  • Tuesday- cool change- only 30 but very humid

  • anyway since then I have been making embroidered and beaded christmas cards- very late but hopefully they will arrive in time. Should finish them off on the weekend with them all posted by Monday.

    I am slowly working on Maryella from Knitty. I do one row every night at the moment to try to get used to the needles. Hopefully I will go a bit faster when I reach the actual beading bit.

    Off to make more christmas mess- at least its not too hot!

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