Attention Perth Knitters

I am thinking of Starting a Stitch and Bitch in Subiaco or Claremont. If anyone is interested can they please email me and if we get numbers we can then arrange time and place.



Monday, April 07, 2008

What a Bag!

originally uploaded by westozcaat.
Wow what a great bag from my Ravelry swap pal PURPLE STITCHES!!! Thanks times 100.

It was filled (see flickr) with great goodies, a notepad and pen, point protectors (v. needed) a knitters gauge, tape measure with beaded cover, and jo sharp yarn samples- hello someone has been stalking me- I LOVE shade cards.

And the bag- wow. Based on the knitting needle bag but in a great butterfly stitch in grey with red sides and LINED strap, with a centre partiton (also lined) snap closure on one half, a pocket for the notebook and some bling to make the final perfect touch.

It is really amazing. I love it (and have already filled it to take to work tomorrow to show off! Thanks again Purplestitches.

One more thing: I know I have hardly posted at all lately, and they will be only sparodic but please note I AM reading everyones posts- all the blog stalking members- I read you everyday and whilst don't comment much i am a loyal reader.

going back to petting shade cards now.....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Library Additions

I went shopping last thursday night, and then today my amazon additions to my knitting book obsession arrived.
I'm so happy I don't know what to knit next.

They are:
Essential Baby- Debbie Bliss
Weardowney Knit Couture- Henry Conway and Gail Downey
New Pathways for Sock Knitters- Cat Bordhi
The Knitter's Book of Yarn- Clara Parkes
Knitting Classic Style- Veronik Avery

New yarns in the house include: sock yarn, sock yarn and more sock yarn.
I have become a collector.

Also my large (for me) malabrigo purchase should arrive tomorrow so keep an eye out for me rolling around in it.!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Opps I forgot to Post

As can be seen from the last post date, this blog has been neglected for far too long.

There are a few reasons for this

1) Exams

2) Travel

3) New Job!!!- I passed the exams and am now a librarian at the State Library of WA.

4) Lack of Knitting.

5) Ravelry

However, as I am now on Week 3 of the new job- I thought it was time to drag this back out of the depths of neglect and let all 2 people who have not tuned out by now, know that I am alive, knitting (more) tiny socks for tiny babies and trying to come to terms with the fact that working full time means alot less knitting time.

FO's to come, when I actually finish something.

My knitting goal for 2008- To finish all the UFO's from 2007 and not start anything new till they are finished. But given the fact I just ordered 3 new knitting books from amazon I am not sure of my chances of success!!!